You can say a lot of things about Luke, but you can't say that he doesn't enjoy his pasta. You may remember his previous shirtless encounter. Let's just say that the pattern doesn't change much whenever the red sauce comes out. Despite being a little under the weather, he managed to make a good show of it. It may look like he made that sausage from scratch right before he sat down, but that is in fact tomato sauce that he covered himself in.
Today is Luke's Grammy Rosella's birthday. Luke had her present all picked out & purchased and ready to be put together for her, but then he came home with a virus on Monday and was a sick little bear for a few days, throwing everyone's week into disarray. He pulled himself together this evening, however, in honor of her birthday & set to signing her card - captured here. He's now ready for the present to go in the mail tomorrow!
Luke has a few more words in his vocabulary - heck, they ARE his vocabulary. They include "ball," "Gigi" (his favorite lady at daycare), "Daddy," and the two featured here: "Mama" and "Uh ohhhhh."
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B (please note he was sick when I caught this, so he looks a little snuffly and droopy):
Luke's friend, Amelia, sent him a whole box full of fun presents for his birthday. Rather than overwhelm him with all of them at once, we've been meting them out over the last few weeks. Tonight, we busted out the click clack thingamajig. And of course he chose the time when he's crawling around with no pants (but with shoes & socks!), and when mom's already in her PJs, to execute a new skill to maximum cute effect.
For reasons unbeknownst to Mom & Dad, Luke has become fixated on Mom's winter scarf. Not Dad's, Mom's. We suspect because it's among the softest things on Earth. Here, a triptych of Luke's affection for said scarf. (Also, Luke proves his Rosella lineage by exhibiting a fondness for flashlights)