Per the previous post, it was gorgeous in Hoboken yesterday. Dry, sunny, clear and warm. Once Luke finally accepted his shorts-clad fate, we headed out on a morning excursion to see the geese and ducks, who have returned from their southern winters, and to go to a park.
Luke was excited to get to take his new soccer ball out for some real throwing and kicking (last weekend's torrential rains & high winds prevented this from happening)

He climbed all over the jungle gym.

And went down the slide (the observant will note that his scraped up shin may lend credence to his "no shorts" assertions)

He is noted for his dismounts from the slide (action photo courtesy of Daddy)

After his nap, we intended to head out to the light rail for a "choo choo" ride, but Luke decided he'd rather go to another park and for a we wound our way up to the Stevens Tech campus and their lookout high above the Hudson. Luke was fixated on the canon

His recent carousel experiences had him convinced he was "riding" it

Daddy stopped talking about the physics of canon firings in the 18th century long enough to pose for the Picture of the Week (tm)

All of the crazy fresh air and sunshine had us all ready for dinner, so we tried a new waterfront restaurant - where Luke showed off his barback skills

Ensuring a clean dining surface for his pizza

"I cleeeeean it."

Tidiness and decorum were abandoned, however, upon the arrival of his food. He was telling Mommy that the pizza goes "here"

Then he told Daddy

It wouldn't be The First Warm Day without a frozen treat for dessert! And lucky for us, Rita's was giving out free Italian ice (though Luke called it "ice cream")! We started him out with classic cherry

He tried some of Mommy's black cherry & vanilla custard combo, too

He carried the damn cup all 14 blocks home, refusing to admit defeat - even after we dumped out 1/2 of it). He would not get into his bubble bath until he took another lap

Forcing it

Its watery, cherry-chunked remains, spoon en route to mouth

Finally done with his "ice cream," clean, and snuggled, he fell asleep with his hobo's assortment of treasures. The stuffed friends stay the same (Cisco the dog, big monkey, Daniel the lovey, and Cookie Monster), but the books rotate. The balls are a new addition, as is the blanket, which he has rediscovered just in time for summer