Luke's Aunt Aimee visited today to check his progress since her visit just after he came home. And to provide Paige with some adult conversation. A treat for all!

This picture is a shout out to Aunt Sharren, who could not come and
play because she had to work.
Yay! It's the weekend! Paul & Luke broke it in by checking out Pardon the Interruption. They looove Oddsmakers (squadoosh!).
Check out the awesome sock monkey blanket Katie made for Luke!
Peter used to watch "where in the world is Carmen Sandiego with his dad." Roberta came home to them both sleeping - did you skip that photo?
MN crowd
PS Do you have to spell which Aunt Amy/Aimee it is to be clear?
Baby cuddling is so much more fun than working. Seriously.
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