Along with eggs, candy, and baskets, the Easter Bunny brought perfect Spring weather to Hoboken this past weekend. We aimed to make the most of it after days and days and days of rain and soggy shoes and cries of "I NEED DRY PAAAANTS" (by both Luke and Mommy most days) upon arriving home in the evening.
We got up and at them Saturday AM and headed for the park. Luke & Daddy had found some sidewalk chalk the day before, so Luke commissioned some work from Mommy. Here is probably saying "Mommy draw diamond right here." (we aren't sure where he got "diamond")

I like this one because, well, are we related or what with these expressions & our body language?

All of the running around and drawing left us all thirsty and in need of a snack

...After nap time, we headed north on Route 17 to Paramus to visit the Baldonados! (and the Swedloffs!) While Luke was really excited to spend time with young Amelia Swedloff, he made sure to spend some QT with Dr. B

He inspected the pre-egg contents of his Easter basket

Paul & Rick helped Luke & Amelia hunt for eggs

A second hunt was requested by the kids, so Paul & Rick were set to work re-hiding eggs...

...while Ann Marie instructed Luke and Amelia on how to cover their eyes...

...they didn't really listen

How cute are they? Seriously.

All that egg hunting made everyone hungry! So much delicious food!

Luke clutched his basket all the way home

And insisted on it being in his bed when we got home

When he woke up on Sunday, Mommy & Daddy sent him off in search of his basket from the Easter Bunny. He was quite excited

The fine Easter tradition of candy before breakfast was introduced (notice the cheeks)...

And he squealed with delight at the Legos from the Minnesotan contingent. I mean, from THE EASTER BUNNY. (again, the cheeks!)

The Bunny picked out some herbs for Luke and Daddy to grow

Mmmm...chocolate carrot

....and 30 minutes later, this was the scene. SUGAR CRASH!

And what is sure to be a New Easter Tradition was born: The Easter Matzo Brei (many thanks to Auntie Lisa for sharing her dad's recipe!)

After much hemming & hawing, Luke chose grape jelly for his topping

I hope we did it justice! We didn't leave a bite!

Sugar crash passed and breakfast eaten, we headed out for Liberty State Park's massive waterfront playground. Luke was sure to bring his "camera"

So maybe there were a
few residual effects of the sugar high

Once at the park, Luke got right to work on the closest slide

He was beside himself when he and Daddy discovered they were in the midst of a ladybug picnic!

They carefully carried one back to show Mommy

Daddy managed to get one to transfer to Luke

One for each hand, even!

You can't tell here, but one had landed on his head. He was really proud to show Mommy

Then we broke for lunch (pb&js all around)

How handsome are my guys?

And finally, you can't really see them here, but some older kids had a bubble gun and were blowing thousands of bubbles around the playground. For Luke, this, coupled with the whole ladybug experience, made for an Easter Miracle! He's the goofball to the left of the frame

Next up: the dyeing of the eggs.