We are thrilled to introduce Luke's new baby sister, Harper Rosella Casey (aka "Chooch"). Born on Friday, December 17, 2010 at 8:53 am, weighing in at 9lbs .04oz and measuring 20.5"

Luke came to visit Mommy, Daddy, & Harper in the hospital. He gave her a snuggle and the "Baby Bear" he had picked out for her during a shopping trip with Daddy a few weeks before she was born. Baby Bear has helped break in Harper's cradle swing, bouncy seat, and bassinet in anticipation of her arrival

Upon closer inspection, he also declared her to be "stinky"
The next day, we suited Harper up in the outfit Luke picked out for her to wear home from the hospital (declaring "I think this will be very cute")

We were ALL glad to be home

And once she was cleaned up, Luke found her to be quite cuddly
Grandma Casey got in on the snuggle action before heading back to Scranton after 3 days with Luke (THANK YOU, Grandma & Grandpa!)

And Grandpa Casey, too, of course
And in the last week, Harper has seen a lot of this....

And heard a lot of "Old MacDonald" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "People on the Bus." [Luke is especially proud of his own lyric, "The Chooches on the bus go wah wah wah, wah wah wah"]

Luke has proven himself to be a great big brother, giving his baby sister gentle hugs and kisses, singing songs, and declaring her "little hands," "little ears," and "CHEEEEEKS" to be his favorite things about her

Welcome, Harper!
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