We've been busy since our return from Boston - mostly with hanging out and having fun.
Luke continues to enjoy holding hands with Harper in the mornings and requesting a photograph. When did he get so gangly??

Harper graduated from her cradle swing and bouncy seat to her excersaucer! (kindly on loan from the Tiedemanns)

She has also been giving rice cereal a try...

...with some success...

...SOME success.

It seems jackets are behind us for good now, so we went to the zoo! Breaking out bare feet and sun hats and everything!

Luke was tired after a morning of train rides and "feeding sheeps" and carousel rides and bear spotting and...

Another day, Luke and Mommy decided to declare it Wacky Hair Wednesday for no reason other than it was so nice out and we were all in good moods

Harper declined to participate

"Say cheese, watermelons!"

By evening, the wackiness had worn off and Luke & Daddy took in Hoboken's Memorial Day Parade. Luke was sure to bring along his Grand Old Flag.

We also took in Harper's first (and Luke's first that he remembers) Phillies game! Daddy imparted lots of baseball knowledge. [and no, his beard isn't THAT white (yet) - the sunscreen wouldn't disappear!]

Early on, the 90ish degree humidity wasn't getting us too droopy

But the Phillies store was a welcome AC'd respite

And Luke accomplished his 2 main goals for the day
1) Get a new RED Phillies baseball hat

2) Eat ice cream in a little helmet

By this point, we were all PLENTY droopy

But, even though
Chooch didn't play OR Jimmy Rollins (Mommy's favorite), Utley was back in rotation and the Phils won!