Hello, gorgeous! (that caption's for Aunt Cathy)

The Bubble Boy of Hoboken
Hi Mom!
Someone was pretty cranky about going home...

Now we move on to Mother's Day, which was spent - you guessed it - at the park! This time at Elysian Park (named after the field where the first baseball game was played)
Luke didn't really want to pose. Or sit still
Mom's personal favorite outtake
He kind of held still with Mom in front of Hoboken's money shot
And took a little stroll and held hands
Finally we bribed him with some juice.
This one is to illustrate his new found love of sitting with his legs dangling.

And finally, Luke tries to call someone who cares

1 comment:
Luke resents the prisoner comment, as you should know he is a hardened criminal and has very large assets in the Mafia. Cute is not how he likes to be described. He might have to have his muscule dangle you off of a bridge.
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