Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Super Sunday Super Traditions Super Cute

Long before Luke came along, Mom & Dad had some Super Bowl traditions in place. Big Sandwiches are purchased from Lisa's Deli, dip is made, and many snacks and beverages are enjoyed. 2010 was the year that Luke could join us in our revelry.

He mightily enjoyed the pregame shows of patriotism

He REALLY enjoyed kick-off

And he really, really, REALLLLLY enjoyed his very own Big Sandwich!*

*You might be saying, "hey, isnt' that a BIG SANDWICH for a little boy?" To be fair, we requested the smaller, "hard roll" option, but they gave us the full hero in error. No matter, he ate 1/2 of that bad boy, as you can see in the clip above.

1 comment:

sb said...

Dear Luke Casey,

I heart you so bad.

Aunt Sharren