Saturday, January 31, 2009

Celebrity Impersonations Part IX: Super Bowl Edition

Luke is cheering for the Steelers this Sunday. He may not have a crocheted sweater, and pants, but he does share a look in the eyes and the belief that Doom wears a Diaper with another baby Steelers fan. Look at that resemblance!


Steeler Baby

Plus, a special bonus photo for Luke's Birthday today, entitled "What's a Hypocycloid?"


Monday, January 26, 2009

I Love Santa Part IV

Where we finally make it to Christmas morning...

Luke woke up bright and early on Christmas (the first time anyone has beaten his cousins downstairs)

He quickly got to work going through all of his great presents

Reading with Uncle Steve

After a good nap, he quickly got to work checking out the tree

Tube Break!

Christmas Day was also the debut of Luke's full-on crawling

He also enjoyed pounding on Peter

Chewing on the new Goodnight Gorilla

And generally acting goofy

While this marks the end of the Christmas holiday proper, there are still pictures from Goofus & Gallant's (and their parents' and Aunt's) foray to Hoboken, a visit to the Cloisters, and an outing to the playground to cover! Stay tuned....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

When Luke Met Lucia...

This past weekend, we ventured North to Boston (well, Chestnut Hill) to visit our dear friends, the Leary Infantines. You may recall that Fran, Meredith, and Lucia came to visit Luke back in May - with mixed results. Well, what a difference 7 months makes!

Lucia was a gracious and generous hostess to "Baby Luke," showing Luke the ropes on some of her "baby toys" even though she is a big girl now.

And unlike in May, when Luke did a lot of sleeping and not a lot of noticing his lovely visitor, this time he was completely smitten with Lucia, paying very close attention to everything she did.

He even followed her lead and took a bath in the big kid tub! He was a little wary at first, but he did it!

Luke also engaged in a Mexican stand-off with kitty (Lady) Sadie (Tom Brady) - and fortunately his crawling was not speedy enough to earn him an appointment with the business end of her paws.
Finally, Grammy & Grandpap came down from Eliot to visit with everyone. Grandpap had a successful piggy hunt and tickled Luce's toes...

(Also pictured here is Grammy & Grandpap's bell....that they then left at Fran & Mer's. Later that day, Luce brought it to me saying "Look at this awesome bell I found!")

Luke didn't take inventory of Grandpap's pocket this time, but he gave them some snuggles during their stay.

So much fun was had by all - these pictures don't even capture it. There were delicious pancakes (courtesy of a recipe from Veronica's daddy), blueberries, strawberries, toys, toys, naps in Luce's crib, and a very special Friday Night Pizza Party - on SATURDAY! We can't wait to visit again - this time to see FOUR Leary Infantines instead of three!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Love Santa Part III

Finally, time for presents!
In the Casey house, we open presents on Christmas Eve and take turns according to age. In honor of Luke's first Christmas, we went youngest to oldest, with Luke taking Ian's previous position as the youngest/first to start.

Though the first present was easy to identify, Luke still loved his cardboard tube anyway. Thanks Peter!

Luke got a lot of other great presents....

A soother from Mom

Tube Break!

Llama Llama Mad at Mama from Dad - not because Luke is "mad at Mama," but because he loves Llama Llama Red Pajama so much. (also pictured: the awesome ball chute from Aunt Amy)

Tube Break!

Luke gave his Cousin Peter his very own "Gallant" mug (Ian got his own "Goofus")

In between presents Luke had fun being cute and playing with all the different kinds of wrapping paper. (check out the cool tie-dye his cousins made him, too - to replace his first batch that he has long since outgrown...)

Luke got so many great things, and Santa had not even arrived yet!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Mischief, the Wry Grin

In another break from our Christmas Round-up Programming, please to enjoy a video of Luke being permitted to play with the last bunch of tissues in a box*. This toy is proving to have some legs, as we can re-stuff them back in the box and it's a new toy again!

* and don't worry, he may put them in his mouth, but he no longer swallows the bits & pieces.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Love Santa Part II

Where we left off...

Luke went to Scranton and enjoyed his cousins. After his bath, Uncle Steve read him one of the classics from the Casey box of much-loved books, Grover and the Museum Everything in the Whole Wide World Museum.

After a (sort of) good night's sleep, Luke enjoyed the tree with Aunt Amy, even though he was too nervous to touch it, despite continuing to try. Despite the look of abject terror on his face, Luke did warm up to the tree, and given another day or so, would have been trying to pull most of the ornaments off of it while still trying to avoid getting poked.

Grandpa made Luke a Christmas box, since Grandma is still working on his stocking (it is coming with teddy bears and also with geese, selected in honor of his favorite Goosey). May it be the SECOND blue ribbon award winning stocking knit by Grandma! (like Paige' can't see it in this picture, but its Harford Fair ribbon is still attached!)

Then, to while away the time between naps but before present opening, Luke discovered a new favorite game, "drop things over the back of the bench while someone else picks them up and hands them back."

Finally, it was time for another tradition, a photo of the tree with the date. Luke was kind enough to pose with Goofus and Gallant.

Whew... all these photos and we haven't even gotten to present opening yet... however a little teaser photo of Luke enjoying his bell from Grammy and Grandpap Rosella.

Now THAT'S Italian!

Let us take a break from Christmas posts to enjoy a photo collage of Luke making the most of some shirtless pasta with tomato sauce eating...
(he was wearing his new, white Spider-Man shirt this day, so we removed it at the last minute to preserve it)

Ta da!