Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Ballad of Lion and Giraffe

Shortly after Harper's birthday, a package arrived for the kids from Aunt (Aimee) Slater.  They each received a bucket of stuffed endangered animals from the World Conservation Society - Harper getting "jungle aminals" and Luke getting "sea cweatchers." There was much excitement!

And as much as Luke enjoys his "hermit cwab, frog, and blue tank fish," Harper is head of over heels for 2 out of her 3 animals - the lion and the giraffe, named, Lion and Giraffe (if you ask her their names, she checks their tags and says, definitively, Lion and Giraffe").  Why poor elephant is getting the ol' cold shoulder, Mama would like to know (elephants are her favorite).

Within mere DAYS, Lion and Giraffe were doing everything with Harper.

Getting ready for stories with Luke...
Reading stories with Mama
Reading stories with Daddy
Reading Frog and Toad to them (Lion, lower left corner)
She's teaching them (and "New Elmo") good hygiene
 When Wally visited, Lion and Giraffe had be with him
She does not sleep without them (or many other stuffed animals, it would seem...)
 She often sleeps ON them...
"Say hi to wion, Mommy!"

She watched the Inaugural parade with them (Civics!)
They do art
 "I am drawin' a tail for Wion
....and Wukey." (?)
 She had Luke help her "make a bed" for Lion out of bristle blocks

They hitch a ride in their bucket on Baby Goldfish's stroller for a walk to "the pretend park"
She offers a floor show for them with breakfast
See-food Breakfast Special!

 They came for Harper's most recent haircut - and joined us for lunch after
This picture alllllmost captures the dreamy look that comes over her when she is nuzzling them.  Or, as she would say "hugging thems [sic]."
 Chip and dip party in the tent!
Mostly, there is a lot of this: 
She dotes on them, and is constantly surprised and delighted that lo and behold, Lion and Giraffe are here!  SO SOFT!

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