Luke and Grammy spent a lot of time like this. Note the variety of drool guards in the vicinity.
Our family friends, John & Cathy Marr, came to visit while Luke was in residence at 7 Bayberry. They brought him the hottest infant toy - the O Ball. O, does he love it. Thanks, Cathy & John!
I have always joked that once Paul crosses the Piscataqua River Bridge into Maine, he immediately grows sleepy and MUST nap once he's at my parents'. Here, he teaches Luke a Proud Casey Tradition.
We have entered the Drool Zone. Here is mixing one favorite activity, drooling, with a least favorite, Tummy Time.
How ridiculously cute is this hat? The onesie has a chinese good luck cat on it. The receipt claimed it was for girls, but I still like it on him. He's just tough enough to carry it off.
A few weeks ago we joined Aunt Tanya and Uncle Rob at Hoboken's BEST ITALIAN RESTAURANT (and there will be no debate on this fact), Leo's Grandevous. Mom & Dad were reacquainted with their menu favorites, and Luke put on his F is for Frank t-shirt for the occasion.
Just another day at the office for Luke. At least he has given up his 2 martini lunch habit.
Luke's big trip into the city to see Dad's office really tuckered him out. He could barely keep the pacifier in his mouth...
...and eventually he gave up on that endeavor entirely and just spit it out. One of these days, he will actually nap in his crib (but as long as he continues to sleep in there at night, I will not complain. Too much).