Thursday, September 30th is FIGHT BREAST CANCER DAY. In celebration of that day, a recap of Team Lisa's 2010 Race for the Cure! Huge, gigantic thanks are due to all of you who donated and got us past our $2000 goal - and allowed us to go for $2500. Luke and Mommy are very lucky to have such amazing friends and family who support us every year. This year, however, marked the first year we had a limited time "matching grant" from the best friends ever!
It's not too late to support us - donations are accepted until October 31, 2010 - click here & make a secure, tax deductible donation!
As loyal readers know, Luke and Mommy spend the second Sunday of every September doing the Susan G. Komen Greater NYC Race for the Cure with TEAM LISA. So on September 12, 2010 we suited up (phew! Mom fit into her size L t-shirt!), grabbed Daddy, and headed for Central Park with tens of thousands of supporters, activists, and SURVIVORS (look at all of those pink t-shirts!)!
(NB: we had just gotten them the day before...and they couldn't cut butter)

Yay!! Daddy joined us!
Look at him making eyes at Auntie Lisa
Auntie Lisa is far more indulgent than Mommy & Daddy and she showed Luke how to use her camera and set him loose on the brunch table