Before Luke was born, his Grammy bought him a fleecey peacoat for him to grow into. As Luke is a superstar at growing (12-18 mo clothes, for those of you making shopping lists...), he will have to cram a lot of wear into this coat at the front end of cold weather season. We broke it out last week, and, at Grammy & Grandpap's request, had a little photoshoot with Luke.
First he went with a classic baby model "happy baby" approach:

Then he showed his sporty side with this "action" shot:

He next wanted to showcase how much this coat allows him to move by standing up:

This coat came with a matching hat, but his big ol' bean didn't begin to fit in it so Mom had to find a matching hat (and mittens!). Again, he started with his classic happy baby move:

He once more showed how versatile it is by standing, but this time decided to take a more "coy" approach:

And in case the picture above made him seem too dainty, he gave his best gangsta:

Finally, to show his full range, he summoned some tears for the end of the roll:

The coat is a big hit. When Mom suited him up at daycare last week, all of the women ooohed and ahhhed, and his caregiver, Miss Stephanie exclaimed, "Oh! He looks like a little man!"
Thanks, Grammy!